What in the World

Location: No Salt Lake, Utah, United States

Monday, March 30, 2009

Same sex marriage in America should be a non issue. America is suppose to be the land of the free, we have a bill of rights. Some of these rights are being taken away or ignored, (off the subject, the Patriot Act). Back on to the subject, the right to marry the one you love. You hear a lot of arguments against same sex marriage but they are ridiculous, and given by religious fanatics, bigots or homophobes. Following are some that I have heard

Traditional Marriage: Traditional marriage was a private contract between two families. St. Paul was the one who came up with the notion that marriage was a sacrament and more than just a contract. A logical if/then statement would be, IF St. Paul (a religious leader) started the notion marriage was a sacrament THEN the first amendment should come into play, congress should make no laws respecting and establishment of religion.

Marriage is ordained by God: Actually NO. God is a belief. There is no proof god exists. From the first humans man has had gods to explain what he couldn't figure out. Thunder, lightning, earthquakes, volcano's, weather. Different gods for different occasions. IF there is a god and he wanted us to live by his rules THEN wouldn't he have a monolith some where with all those rules written in a language we all understood?

The Bible Says: The bible says a lot of things. If we lived by the bible there would be no America as we know it. A lot of our children would be stoned to death or have their hand cut off. There would be slaves and concubines. We would be sacrificing sheep and goats, women would be property. Are these really the word of God?

Homosexuality is a choice: IF homosexuality is a choice THEN so is heterosexuality. This is BS. I know homosexual people and it isn't a choice. I know more heterosexual people which I am one. It isn't a choice, I have no desire to be with another man. Ask yourself, why would someone put themselves through so much mental and physical anguish if it were a choice.

Their needs to be with another person of the same sex doesn't affect me. It's none of my business. Even if it was a choice it still doesn't affect me and still none of my business.

IF we allow same sex marriage THEN: If we allow same sex marriage then we will have to allow polygamy, or incestuous marriages, or people will want to marry their pets.

Laws have to be made to protect the public. If the law allowed polygamy then tax laws would have to change some would have so many exemptions they would never owe any taxes. There is also the risk of the public having to care for them (welfare).

Incestuous relationships have a great possibility physically and mentally handicapped children. If the couple were sterile there would be nothing wrong with this. Only in the minds of the weak.

Pets are not human and do not have the same rights as humans They can't read or sign the contract, then we have the personal exemptions on the income taxes. I could marry a guppy and in a year have 500 exemptions.

In closing this is America. We are not a democracy we are a republic. Laws should be made to protect the public not to control it. Marriage is a legal contract issued by the state between two people. If that contract is not going to hurt the public then it shouldn't be restricted.

The government is making contracts right now that will definitely hurt the public and I am more concerned with those.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Capitalism is good for the rich, socialism is good for the poor, communism is good for those in power. I remember a song by Tennessee Ernie, "Ford Sixteen Tons". About a coal miner that had to rent his home and buy his supplies from the company store. The company charged more for rent and supplies than he could get elsewhere and therefore was always in debt to the company, which amounted to slave labor. This was capitalism in the United States with no laws against it. Capitalist ran congress. Bought and paid for with gifts, bribes, and coercion. Not much has changed. Workers formed unions and and at the risk of their and their families lives refused to work unless certain needs were met. We can thank the various unions for many of the perks we now have, paid vacations, sick leave, retirement benefits, health insurance, eight hour days, etc. All these perks and government taxes forced capitalists to look for other ways to make more money. They moved their companies out of the country. Foreign workers were happy to work for a few dollars a day and foreign governments were happy for the taxes they received. American capitalist were again making far more money. American workers were out of a job. The United States government lost tax money. Actually capitalist don't pay taxes, they are pasted on to the buyer.

This brings me to the bail out George W Bush created. This bail out wasn't to protect the economy, it was to protect the rich. That's why there was no over site. They didn't want to know were this money was going.

If the banks failed, who would be hurt? Not the poor, they don't have much if any money in the banks. What they do have is protected with the FDIC. Same with the middle class. They are protected up to $100,000.00.

Like Regan's trickle down theory, the rich would take the biggest losses and it would trickle
down to the poor. With the bail out the money could be used any way the feds wanted, even to the rich of foreign countries.

I haven't read Obama's stimulus package but I'm not convinced that is any better. I'll read it and post my view later.